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safety measures1                                                                 

The risk of accident site is a constant threat. For this reason the Logothetis SA makes the maximum possible to reduce the likelihood

of an accident both for the workforce of the company and non-employees.

Always follow the following safety measures :

  • Entrance  to unauthorised persons is denied.
  • All workers, regardless of employment, always wear  helmets, face protection, gloves and appropriate footwear.
  • All vertical and horizontal exposures which can lead to a fall, are covered and enclosed carefully and safely.
  • Work at night or in poor lighting is prohibited.
  • Work in hazardous  weather conditions is also prohinited.
  • The engineer is responsible for informing employees who are lagging behind in language.
  • Particular attention is paid to avoid electric shock from contact to power lines.
  • Workers if they do not have contact with the ground wear special belts and work in pairs.    

safety measures 2